The library of Alexander Kégl, that is his collection of manuscripts and books was cataloged after delivery to the Library of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. No list was made, however, on his manuscripts, personal documents, correspondence and photos, and this material was not even cataloged for a long time. It is thus not surprising that some items that most probably were part of the original donation now seem to be a painful loss. In particular we think of his scientific correspondence. The best example of it is his correspondence with Ignaz Goldziher, of whose existence we only know from the letters written to him by Alexander Kégl and preserved in the Kégl bequest.
The correspondence can be divided in three sections: family correspondence, professional correspondence and official documents.
In the family correspondence it is remarkable that the brothers often wrote to each other in French or English, just as they used and developed their foreign language skills in the everyday conversation with each other. As a peculiarity, we present in a separate page the Russian letters written by the prisoners of war serving on the Kégl estate during WWI.
In the surviving fragment of Kégl’s professional correspondence we find several letters by his master and supporter Ármin Vámbéry, as well as some letters related to the publication of his writings and his work in the Academy Library.
Among the official documents deserve a special mention those related to the
university, the Academy, the booksellers and the estate.