study dedicated by Alexander Kégl to the founder of Urdu literature Amir Khusraw
(1530 Patijali – 1325 Delhi), was a common result of his interest in Persian
literature and in Indology: “Emîr Khoszrev”.
Értekezések a Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Nyelv- és Széptudományi Osztálya
Köréből 21/10 (1911). It is Kégl’s undying merit to have presented for the
first time to the large readership this very significant, but in Europe
little-known poet.
Son of a Turkic army officer father and a mother from a prestigious family, the mystic philosopher, poet and musician Khusraw is largely considered as the greatest poet of Indian poetry in Persian language. Some even rank him before Nizami and Sacadi. His popularity continues to shine, despite the fact that in his homeland there are only a few people who can read his poems in the original language.
In the broad literary interest of Alexander Kégl the mystic poetry of Khusraw occupied a central place. His only complete manuscript (KGY Kégl 089) focused on the biography and characterization of the poet. The following facsimile of the manuscript is collated here with the final printed version of his study.